Alison Todes is a professor of urban and regional planning in the School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand, and a member of the Centre for Urban and Built Environment Studies. She was previously a research director at the Human Sciences Research Council and a professor of planning in the School of Architecture, Planning and Housing, University of KwaZulu-Natal. She has a master's degree in city and regional planning and a PhD in planning. She is a registered professional planner with the South African Council for Planners, and a member of the South African Planning Institute. She has researched and published extensively in urban and regional development and planning, including urban spatial change and spatial planning, considering topics such as new towns, satellite cities, urban peripheries, spatial transformation, and urban economic development. Recent books include the co-edited volumes: Densifying the City? Global Cases and Johannesburg (2020); Changing Space, Changing City: Johannesburg After Apartheid (2014). She is currently working on co-authored books on urban peripheries and on planning in South Africa.