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Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne

Amelia Church is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education where she teaches courses in applied conversation analysis and research methods in early childhood education. Amelia's research focuses on child-peer and child-teacher interactions, with an interest in how responsive engagement is achieved in early learning environments. Her research has been published in a 2009 book on children's conflict, a 2017 collection of conversation analytic studies in early childhood education, a 2022 handbook for early childhood educators (co-edited with Amanda Bateman), and in international journals that focus on interaction research and learning in the early years. Her current projects focus on question design in early childhood education, and how to improve the quality of interactions in education and psychotherapy.


  • 2009–present
    Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne


  • 2004 
    PhD (Linguistics), Monash University
  • 1996 
    MA (Applied Linguistics), The University of Newcastle upon Tyne
  • 1994 
    BA, The University of Melbourne