First Class Degree Psychology
Masters in Human Rights
Professor since 2003
Amina has been teaching Psychology at undergraduate and postgraduate degree level since 1990 and conducting research in the Psychology and Law area for over 25 years. Her expertise lies in Cognitive and Social Psychology. Her specialist areas are witness memory, investigative interviewing and biases in decision-making. Her focus is on factors that compromise reliability (accuracy) as well as credibility (honesty). She has disseminated her work widely and has given formal and informal talks to professional groups and at specialist workshops designed to advance knowledge of practitioners (e.g. the police). Her research has received media coverage and her expert opinion has been sought on numerous civil (family court) and criminal cases. Prof Memon has been successful at obtaining funds to support her research and to date has published over 100 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. She has international collaborations in several countries. Current projects including work on Autism, meta-cognition and the ageing eyewitness, the credibility of the accounts of asylum seekers, memory for future events, interviewing child victims and parents and the provision of support for vulnerable defendants in the courtroom.
Fellow of British Psychological Society Association of Psychological Science and Royal Society of Arts