Andrew Anderson qualified as an optometrist from The University of Melbourne in 1993, after which he completed Masters (1997) and PhD (2000) training at the same university. He subsequently undertook post-doctoral positions at the Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Oregon (2000-2002) and the Department of Physiology, University of Cambridge (2002-2004). In 2005 he commenced a tenured lectureship within the Department of Optometry & Vision Sciences, The University of Melbourne. His work uses a range of psychophysical methods to determine how the human visual systems processes information, both in normal and diseased eyes, and how this information is subsequently used to make decisions. In 2012 he received a 4-year Future Fellowship, a prestigious mid-career award from Australian Research Council. Amongst his various teaching duties, he is the coordinator of a subject titled "Perception, Illusions & Art", which provides an introduction to the science behind the fundamental perceptual processes underlying our sense of vision and how these processes are exploited by visual artists.