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Professor of Political Science, Macalester College

Andrew Latham received his PhD in International Relations/Strategic Studies from York University in Toronto, Canada.

He has served as:

Assistant Director of the Centre for International and Security Studies, York University, Toronto; Nonproliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament Research Fellow, with the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; Lecturer, at the Canadian Armed Forces School of Aerospace Studies, Winnipeg, Canada; and as Senior Policy Associate with the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He is currently a professor of International Relations at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Professor Latham teaches a course on "Plagues, Pandemics, and Politics."

He has published articles in a variety of academic journals, including European Journal of International Relations; International Studies Quarterly; Contemporary Security Policy; and International Journal.

His most recent book is entitled Theorizing Medieval Geopolitics: War and World Order in the Age of the Crusades. His most recent novel is The Holy Lance (a novel of war and political intrigue set in the Third Crusade).

In addition to publishing in a range of academic journals, he has published in magazines such as The Hill, The Diplomat, Canadian Defence Quarterly, Public Discourse, First Things, RealClearDefense, Genealogies of Modernity, Providence, Touchstone, Ethika Politika, and Crisis.


  • 1997–present
    Professor, Macalester College


  • 1997 
    York University, Toronto, Canada, PhD
  • 1988 
    Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, MA