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Andrew N. Smith

Associate Professor of Marketing, Suffolk University

Andrew Smith is an associate professor of marketing at the Sawyer School of Business, Suffolk University. He holds a Ph.D. in business administration (marketing) from the Schulich School of Business, York University, as well as MSc. (marketing) and B.Comm. (commerce) degrees from the Queen’s School of Business (now Smith School of Business), Queen’s University.

As a researcher, he predominantly studies new media and its intersection with consumption, markets, and branding. His past projects have answered questions such as: how do consumers make trust judgments about online reviews? How can online influencers attract engaged attention from audiences? And how can marketers develop engaging augmented reality experiences? He has published his work in venues such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Business Horizons, and the Academy of Management Learning & Education, and has presented it at a variety of conferences, workshops, and invited talks across North America and Europe. Andrew’s research has been recognized with competitive external funding grants and awards, including the Association of Consumer Research/Sheth dissertation award for public policy research and the Business Horizons Best Paper Award.

Andrew has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in social media marketing, marketing management, marketing research, qualitative research methods, and consumer behavior at a number of institutions (Suffolk University, Merrimack College, and York University). His teaching philosophy emphasizes collaborative learning, interactivity, real world relevance, and the dynamics of theory and practice. In the classroom, Andrew leverages his professional market research experience, which has involved advising multi-national clients, such as Kellogg’s, Wrigley, Bayer, and RBC.


  • –present
    Professor of Marketing, Suffolk University


  • 2014 
    York University, Business Administration