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Ice and Climate Research Fellow, University of Sheffield

Ann is a glaciologist and geologist investigating how mountain glaciers respond to climate change.
She has a BSc in Environmental and Resource Geology (2007) and a PhD in Earth Sciences (2012) from the University of Manchester.
After her PhD, she was a Research Fellow in Glaciology at Aberystwyth University then briefly worked at the British Geological Survey.
Ann joined the University of Sheffield as an Ice and Climate Research Fellow in 2014, and remained as a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow from 2015.
Her research interests include:
The response of mountain environments to climate change
Geomorphology and dynamics of debris-covered glaciers
Uncertainties associated with applications of glacier–climate models
Quaternary dating techniques (e.g. optically-stimulated luminescence dating)


  • 2014–present
    Research fellow, University of Sheffield


  • 2012 
    University of Manchester, PhD in Earth Science