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Anthea-lee September-Van Huffel

My research is in the area of land reform, governance and constitutional property law constructs with particular emphasis on improving 'holistic' security of tenure in rural communities that reflect and support the lived realities of people which directly impacts on their social and economic rights. Consequently, I have worked with rural communities consulting on the law pertaining to customary communal land and natural resource matters. I have, therefore, worked with the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform both at provincial and national level to assist rural communities and their customary structures to resolve and navigate complex land rights issues that can arise due to different property rights understandings and legal frameworks. I obtained my LLB and LLM from the University of the Western Cape and LLD from the University of the Free State. I am a lecturer at the University of the Free State, Law Faculty, Private Law department. Prior to academia, I practised in the property law departments of Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Inc and Webber Wentzel Attorneys in Sandton, Johannesburg.

Academic credentials and short-CV:


  • –present
    Lecturer, University of the Free State


  • 2023 
    University of the Free State, Law