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PhD student, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University

Arianne Maraj is a McGill doctoral student and Bombardier scholar, specializing in Education and Society. Her academic background includes a B.A. in cultural anthropology and world religions, an M.A., in Administration and Policy Studies in Education, and teaching qualifications in French as a second language, and Moral Education. Her research and interests address social justice for fair and inclusive education, specifically on the challenges to the academic integration of refugees in the Global North and South, as reflected in her publications. As a visiting scholar with the UNESCO chair for Refugee Integration (2022), at Glasgow University, and the Global Hub for Education in Emergencies (2023) at Geneva University, her research aims to inform policymakers for the betterment of vulnerable youth and ameliorate teacher education for refugees. She has extensive experience as a teacher/lecturer and as an educational program director for disadvantaged and vulnerable youth, in Canada, France, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Lebanon, and Madagascar.


  • –present
    PhD student, McGill University


  • 2024 
    McGill, PhD Education and Society