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Arpana Sagwal Chaudhary

Postdoctoral fellow, Georgia State University

For doctoral research, I worked on developing (design and syntheses) novel antibacterial agents. A larger goal of this project is to fight the rampant multi-drug resistance in superbugs.

Our bacterial target is SecATPase, a conserved and essential protein across all bacteria species. Its almost an IDEAL target to kill bacteria. The bottom line is, inhibition of SecA attenuates bacterial virulence and is both bacteriostatic and bactericidal in nature. Although, SecA has been famous among the biologists, now it is catching the fancy of medicinal chemists worldwide.

For my postdoctoral research, I am working on design and syntheses of DNA binders as anticancer and antiparasitic therapeutics. We are specifically targeting GC and AT sequences within the DNA using certain functional groups.


  • –present
    Medicinal Chemistry, Georgia State University


  • 2013 
    Georgia State University, Medicinal Chemistry


Molecular basis of Disease Fellow/ Department of Chemistry Chair's Annual award