I joined Norwich Business School in May 2011 and currently based at UEA London. Prior to this I worked as a Lecturer in Strategic Management and International Business Division at the Nottingham Trent University.
After completing my MBA in Marketing from Birla Institute of Management Technology, India, I was awarded PhD (A longitudinal study of competition and performance in the UK grocery retail industry) in 2008 from the Loughborough University.
My subject areas are Strategic Management and Marketing Strategy. I use quantitative techniques for my research, and have a good working knowledge of a range of econometric and social science research software packages such as STATA, LIMDEP and SPSS.
My doctoral research investigate the evolution of the UK Grocery Retailing Industry over the past two decades, examining factors affecting performance and structure of the sector over a critical time period. I have used econometric tools to analyse longitudinal firm-level panel data (covering cross-section and time series) using fixed-effect panel models for profitability analysis and stochastic frontier analysis for efficiency analysis.
My current research interest includes (i) efficiency analysis of the UK retailers; (ii) internationalisation of the major retailers into developing economies; and (iii) studying ‘Strategy-as-Practice' during critical industry periods. Currently writing up research papers based on my doctoral studies for submission to journals, including Journal of Management Studies and British Journal of Management.