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Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney

Ashish Sharma's research interests include:

Stochastic hydrology
Synthetic generation of seasonal streamflow; Single and multi-site generation of daily rainfall; Identification of long-term memory in hydrological time series.

Probabilistic forecasting and downscaling
Predictor identification strategies for formulating probabilistic forecasting models; Partial Mutual Information (PMI); Medium to long-term forecasting of seasonal rainfall using hydroclimatic forcing variables; Stochastic downscaling of rainfall and evapotranspiration through a Catchment Scale Climate Change Assesment Framework.

Radar hydrology
Uncertainty analysis in radar rainfall relationships; Probability based calibration techniques for estimation of radar rainfall.

Bayesian hydrology
Use of Bayesian techniques in rainfall-runoff modelling; Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling for selection of hydrologic models.

Water Resources Management
Uncertainty and risk analysis of water resources systems; Optimal reservoir management using time series and probabilistic forecasting techniques.

Always interested in new developments in statistics and how they can be put to use to solve water problems.


  • –present
    Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Australia