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Research Group Leader, Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management, KU Leuven

Professor Bart Lievens is head of the KU Leuven Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management (PME&BIM). Additionally, he is head of the Cluster for Bioengineering Technology (CBeT) within the Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M2S).

As a microbial ecologist Professor Lievens has published a large number of high-standard manuscripts in highly ranked scientific journals (h-index: 30; ~150 papers). During the last few years, he has worked intensively on the role of microbes in plant-insect interactions and in the multi-trophic interactions that occur between plants, herbivores, natural enemies and secondary natural enemies (hyperparasitoids) aiming to understand and predict how microorganisms influence interactions between plants and insects, and among insects. Specifically, he has initiated an ambitious research line that aims at elucidating how microorganisms affect pollinators and biocontrol agents of pest insects.

To this end, the team uses tools and concepts from microbial ecology, chemical ecology and community ecology. Prof. Lievens has been awarded twice for his high-standing research. He received the IOF “L(euvense) da Vinci award 2010”, recognising market-promising research and was awarded as “Researcher of the year” in 2011 at Campus De Nayer (“Willy Asselman award”).


  • –present
    Research Group Leader, Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management, KU Leuven