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Senior Research Fellow/ Statistician, Monash University

Dr Bosco Rowland is a registered psychologist and behavioural scientist. He currently is a Senior Research Fellow and Statistician and Monash University, with the Eastern Health Clinical School and Monash Addiction Research Centre. He is also an honorary Senior Research Fellow and past employee of the School of Psychology at Deakin University, and the Centre for Social, Early and Emotional Development (SEED).

He has worked on a number of large community trials focussed on preventing and reducing alcohol related harm, and improving social and emotional outcomes for children and adolescents, including school completion and antisocial behaviour. He has worked on the Randomised Community Trial of the Good Sports Program, a program that helps community sports club manage and consume alcohol responsibly.

He has managed the analysis of large longitudinal studies, including many funded by the Australian Government. For example, Growing up In Australia (GUA) the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) and Ten to Men (TTM) a longitudinal health study of Australian boys and men between 10 and 60.

He has worked in the not-for profit, government and university sectors. He works collaboratively with academic institutions across Australia, including the Centre for Adolescent Health, Newcastle University, Turning Point Drug and Alcohol Centre, and Hunter New England Population Health and is an active member of Australian Research Alliance for Children and Young people contributing to prevention evidence publications on key drug and alcohol topics.


  • 2022–present
    Senior research fellow, Monash University
  • 2020–2022
    Senior research fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies
  • 2011–2020
    Senior research fellow, Deakin University


    Monash, PhD
    Monash, MPsych