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Lecturer in Marketing, The University of Melbourne

Digital Marketing specialist with a focus on Viral Marketing and online consumer decision making and judgement models.

PhD: “Predicting Internet Purchase Intention: Theoretical Reasoning and Empirical Results” (2006).

Author of the book “Going Viral” (Pearson, UK).

Consumer judgement and decision making
Digital interventions
Psychometrical analysis, trait index and scale development

Digital Marketing
Digital Business and Marketing
Social Media

Best conference paper award, 10th CONTECSI, Sao Paulo, Brazil (“Antecedents to Website Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Word of Mouth”)
Best Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year Award, Australian Business Higher Education Round Table (presented by Sen. Hon Chris Evans) (National Award)
Melbourne School of Graduate Research Manuscript sponsorship award
PhD scholarship award, Victoria University Wellington
Best paper addressing the theme of the conference, 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)

Digital audit specialist (technical and on-page). Marketing ecosystem analysis and optimisation.
Channel blueprint drafting, multichannel roadmap drafting and performance optimisation, funnel performance analysis and improvement planning
Analytics + Usability Testing. Google Analytics setup and cross domain implementation (event tracking, CRM integrations, custom dimensions)
Email Marketing and Customer Experience Automation (Active Campaign, Drip, Klaviyo, Infusionsoft, Zapier, SendinBlue, etc).
Ad publisher setup and optimisation (Facebook, Google, TikTok etc)
Viral marketing campaigns, high engagement content production, digital PR, influencer marketing
CRM system installation and integration, SEO optimisation, HTML, CSS, Structured data,


  • –present
    Lecturer in Marketing, University of Melbourne


  • 2007 
    University of Wellington, PhD/Information Systems