Bronwyn Naylor graduated from Monash University with honours degrees in Arts and Law. She practised as a solicitor before joining the Law Reform Commission of Victoria, and then taking up a position in the Law Faculty at Monash University. She completed a Master of Laws degree at Monash University, and a Master of Philosophy in Criminology at Cambridge University, UK. She was awarded a PhD from Cambridge University in 1999. Bronwyn teaches Criminal Law, Administration of Criminal Justice, Crime and Gender, and Comparative Perspectives on Crime and Punishment in the undergraduate program. She also teaches the LLM subject Consumer Protection, Regulation and Compliance. Her research interests include criminal law, criminal justice and corrections, law and gender, and regulation and consumer protection.
Bronwyn is a Deputy Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law at Monash University, Director and member of the Editorial Board of the Alternative Law Journal, and Board Member, Victorian Association for the Care & Resettlement of Offenders (VACRO).