I joined the University of Bath in 2014.
My research examines the social and cultural dimensions of sport and physical movement practices with an interdisciplinary approach. I have three primary strands around which my teaching and research are focused: social and cultural aspects of sport and movement; sporting marketing and media; and qualitative research. These are inspired by the notable ways in which sport, physical activity, and popular cultural practices more broadly contribute to examining the structure and experience of contemporary social formations and issues.
I am the Director of the Centre for Qualitative Research (CQR) at the University.
My research has been published in top international journals within interdisiccplinary fields: Body & Society; Sociology of Sport Journal; Sport, Education & Society; Qualitative Inquiry; Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies.
Rececntly, I have co-edited: Populism in sport, leisure, and popular culture with Alan Tomlinson (Routledge); and Temporality in Qualitative Inquiry (Routedlge) and Researcher Vulnerability in Qualitative Research (forthcoming, Routedlge), both with my peers in the Centre for Qualtiative Research.