A/ Prof Carissa Klein is an ARC Future Fellow at The University of Queensland, working in the field of conservation science. She leads a group of students and post-doctoral researchers in partnership with numerous non-government organisations (e.g. Wildlife Conservation Society) and government departments (e.g., Sabah Parks in Borneo) around the world.
Carissa has degrees in Chemistry (BA, 2000), Environmental Science (BA, 2000), Environmental Science and Management (MS, 2006) and Conservation Science (PhD, 2010). Her postgraduate studies were at The University of California, Santa Barbara and The University of Queensland. She has received numerous competitive awards, including two that acknowledge her achievements in setting up successful and lasting international collaborations: The Asia Pacific Economic Corporation Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education (ASPIRE) and the American Australia Association Sir Keith Murdoch Fellowship.
Common to all of my research projects is that it’s applied and conducted in partnership with end users (e.g., WCS-Fiji, WWF-Malaysia, IUCN, State and Federal Environment Departments in Australia and overseas). My research generally falls into 4 themes: land-sea conservation planning, ocean zoning and protected area design, social equity in conservation, and sustainable seafood.