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Professor in Hispanic Studies, University of Liverpool

I completed my PhD at the University of Cambridge, and then moved to the University of Leeds where I was Lecturer in Latin American Literature and Culture. I subsequently joined the University of Liverpool in 2004, and am now Professor of Hispanic Studies. I specialise in modern Latin American literature and culture. I teach across a wide range of modules, and research in particular digital culture and women's writing in Latin America.

My particular geographical areas of interest are Colombia, Argentina and Chile, although I have also worked on literature, art and culture from other regions. Within Latin American Cultural Studies, I take a particular interest in the varied literary and cultural genres being developed online by Latin(o) Americans, especially hypertext novels, e-poetry and net art. I have published numerous articles and book chapters on these topics, and am the co-author of the recent volume Latin American Identity in Online Cultural Production (New York: Routledge, 2012), and author of the recent monograph Place and Politics in Latin America Digital Culture: Location and Latin American Net Art (New York: Routledge, 2014). I recently held an AHRC Follow-On Funding grant for a project on Latin(o) American Digital Art, which included a series of impact and engagement events, and a book entitled Cities in Dialogue (LUP 2016).


  • –present
    Professor in Hispanic Studies, University of Liverpool