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Associate Professor in Learning Environments, The University of Melbourne

Clare Newton is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne. Clare is an architect and teaches and researches in the fields of design and construction. From 2012 until 2014 she was Director of the Bachelor of Environments with over 2,000 students—a unique interdisciplinary undergraduate degree linking built and natural environments. She has received four Australian Research Council Linkage Projects on the design of learning spaces and was first-named on two of these. The first, called Smart Green Schools, looked at the links between pedagogy, sustainability and space. The second, called Future Proofing Schools, considered prefabricated learning environments and incorporated an ideas competition as part of the research process. As an educator, she has incorporated technology through flipped classroom approaches and is coordinator with Professor Alan Pert for a fully online subject called Design for Ageing. She is researching affordable housing as part of an interdisciplinary research team under the title of Transforming Housing funded by Carlton Connect.


  • –present
    Associate Professor in Learning Environments, University of Melbourne


  • 2005 
    The University of Melbourne, Graduate Certificat in University Teaching