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Professor of 19th Century Literature and Culture, King's College London

I came to King’s in September 2005 from Cambridge University, and I have previously taught at the Universities of Leeds and Oxford. I teach or have taught nineteenth-century literature at BA and MA level, including the following courses:

‘Victorians and Social Change’ (undergraduate)
‘Memory and Time in the Nineteenth Century’ (undergraduate)
‘Writing London’ (undergraduate)
‘The Fin-de-Siecle’ (undergraduate)
‘Text, Theory and Culture: London, 1850 to the Present’ (postgraduate)
‘Modernity and the City’ (postgraduate)
'Victorian Pasts' (postgraduate)
‘The Archive Workshop: Victorian Things’ (postgraduate)

I collaborate closely with other Department colleagues in the 19th century research group and I have been involved in running the 19th century archive project set up by Josephine McDonagh which aims to assess the provision of research skills for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students of English literature, and to help students to make the most of the rich resources available to them in museums, archives and libraries of London. We are developing a new MA course out of this pedagogic research.

I also organise the Shows of London research group and, with Dr Adelene Buckland, and colleagues, I have been responsible for organising several half-day events for this group on subjects such as history and form; ephemera; re-enactment; and London Stutters.


  • –present
    Professor of 19th Century Literature and Culture, King's College London