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Professor of Social and Political Thought, University of Hull

Colin Tyler is Professor of Social and Political Thought and Director of the Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism, having taught previously at University College London and the University of York. In the first semester of the 2014-15 session, he was Visiting Professor of Politics and International Affairs, at Wake Forest University, USA. He has lectured around the world, including in Italy, Japan, Poland and the USA, as well as being a Visiting Scholar at St John’s, Oxford. Professor Tyler’s research interests are in British idealism and the New Liberalism; common good politics; history of social and political thought, specialising in nineteenth-century and twentieth-century British; social economics and critical political economy; and contemporary political theory, especially identity politics and multiculturalism. He has published more than 50 articles, books and book chapters, as well as editing The International Journal of Social Economics. His most recent book is entitled Common Good Politics (Palgrave 2016) and collects together a number of his articles and book chapters on the history of common good politics and selected topics in contemporary political theory and British politics. Professor Tyler is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.


  • –present
    Professor of Social and Political Thought, University of Hull