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Post-Doctoral Fellow under Afrique One-ASPIRE, Nangui Abrogoua University


2017: PhD in Botany and Phytotherapy; option Phytochemistry at University Nangui
Abrogoua ex University of Abobo-Adjamé (Sciences of Nature Training and Research
2010: Advanced Degree Diploma (DEA) in Management and Valorization of Natural
Resources; option Physiology, Pharmacology and Phytotherapy at University of AboboAdjamé
(Sciences of Nature Training and Research Unit)
2008: Master in Botany and Phytotherapy at the University of Abobo-Adjamé.
2006: License in Botany and African Pharmacopoeia at the University of Abobo-Adjamé.
2004: General University Diploma (DEUG) in Science of Nature at the University of AboboAdjamé.
2001: Bachelor's degree at Lycée Moderne Alphonse Assamoi de Divo.

- Botany
- Ethonbotany survey
- Biological tests (antioxidants, antimicrobials, anticancer and anti-inflammatory)
- Phytochemistry (phytochemicals screening, compound separation and isolation)
- Using chromatography techniques
- Preparation of improved traditional medicines (Syrup, ointments)

Ahoua A. R. C. (2017). Theme « Plantes consommées par les chimpanzés (Pan troglodytes verus, Blumenbach 1779) du Parc National de Taï, Côte d’Ivoire : activités biologiques, potentiel nutritif et investigation phytochimique de Beilschmiedia mannii (Meisn.) Robyns & R. Wilczek (Lauraceae) ». PhD thesis of Botany and Phytotherapy option phytochemistry, Sciences of Nature Training and Research Unit, University Nangui
Abrogoua : 270p.

Kangah N. J-B., Kodjo C. G., Kablan A. L. C., Koné M. W., Ahoua A. R. C. and Ziao N. (2017). Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Symmetric Α- Diimine Schiff Bases Derived from Cis and Trans Racemic Mixture of Cyclohexanediamine. IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.06, Issue 01, pp 23-30.

Ahoua A. R. C., Konan A. G. Bonfoh B. and Koné M. W. (2015). Antimicrobial potential of 27 plants consumed by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus Blumenbach) in Ivory Coast. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15:383.

Ahoua A. R. C., Koné M. W., Konan A. G., Tra Bi F. H. and Bonfoh B. (2012). Antioxidant activity of eight plants consumed by great apes in Côte d’Ivoire. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(54), pp. 11732-11740.

Ahoua A. R. C. (2010). Theme « Evaluation in vitro de l’activité antioxydante de huit (8) plantes issues de l’alimentation des chimpanzés en Côte d’Ivoire ». Advanced Degree Diploma (DEA) in Management and Valorization of Natural Resources; option

Physiology, Pharmacology and Phytotherapy, Faculty of Sciences of Nature, University of Abobo-Adjamé: 66p.

Ahoua A. R. C. (2008). Theme « Contribution de la médecine traditionnelle dans le traitement du diabète dans le département de Dimbokro, région du Nzi-Comoé (Côte d’Ivoire) ». Master of Botany and Phytotherapy, Sciences of Nature Training and Research Unit, University of Abobo-Adjamé: 45p.

Ahoua A.R.C., Koné M.W., Bonfoh B., Cuendet M. (2017). Antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer and nutritional potential of plants consumed by chimpanzees in Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. Annual meeting of DELTAS Africa fellows, organized by AESA, Accra, Ghana, 03-05 July 2017.

Ahoua A.R.C., Koné M.W., Bonfoh B., Cuendet M. (2017). Plants consumed by chimpanzees in Taï National Park: assessment of nutritional and cancer inhibition potentials. 7th annual meeting the Welcome Trust/DBT India Alliance fellows¸ Hyderabad, India, 18-20 May 2017.
Ahoua A.R.C., Koné M.W., Konan A.G., Tra Bi F.H., Bonfoh B. (2011). Les aliments des
chimpanzés dans l’amélioration de l’état de santé des personnes sous stress oxydatif.
Open Days of the 60th anniversary of Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte
d'Ivoire, 01-06 September 2011.


  • –present
    Post-Doc Fellow , Nangui Abrogoua University