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Cyprian M. Mostert

Assistant Professor, Global Health Economics & Lead Mental Health Economist, Brain & Mind Institute, Aga Khan University

​Cyprian M. Mostert is an Assistant Professor Global Health Economics at the Department of Population Health and a Lead Mental Health Economist at the Brain and Mind Institute, Aga Khan University.
Cyprian has worked in higher education for ten years, teaching and conducting research for universities and international financial institutions, including the World Bank Group (Washington DC), Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland), University of Twente (the Netherlands), University of Maastricht (the Netherlands), Universitat Pompeo Fabra (Spain), Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Spain), University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) and University of Pretoria (South Africa). Cyprian has also garnered socio-cultural experience by living and working in several world regions, mainly in Africa, Americas and Europe.​

His research interests are in applied econometrics, development economics, health inequality, mental health, poverty, health technology assessment, public health policy, and healthcare financing. He is among the leading emerging voices in global health systems. He has over sixty peer-reviewed journal articles and international conference proceedings- covering health systems in Cuba, Brazil, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Malawi, South Africa, OECD countries, Oman, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Cyprian is a winner of the Henry Bradlow and John Lemer Academic Excellence Award. His memberships include the Golden Key International Honorable Society, International Health Economics Association, International Society for Urban Health, and European Association of Labor Economics.


  • –present
    Assistant Professor, Mental Health Economist, Brain & Mind Institute, , Aga Khan University