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PhD Candidate, University of Dundee

My research interests lie in how technology can positively impact life experiences, with a particular focus on sensitive life processes. These are times of transition in a person's lifespan, such as a relationship break up, gender transition, or being diagnosed with an illness. Taking a primarily qualitative approach to exploring sensitive life processes, I aim to support people experiencing these through the use of digital technologies.

My PhD research, Digital Separations, specifically explores romantic relationship break up. I am currently a Joint-PhD student at the University of Dundee, and at the University of Technology Sydney; I expect to graduate from both universities with in 2018.

I am incredibly grateful to the EPSRC for funding my postgraduate studies, and to both the University of Dundee and the Graduate Research School at UTS for supporting my travel as part of my Joint-PhD. I am jointly supervised by Professor Wendy Moncur as part of the Living Digital Research Group in Dundee, and by Professor Elise van den Hoven MTD as part of the Materialising Memories Research Group at UTS.


  • 2014–present
    Joint PhD Candidate, University of Dundee & University of Technology Syndey


  • 2012 
    University of Dundee, BSc (Hons) Applied Computing