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Daniela Schmidt

Professor in Palaebiology, University of Bristol

My current research focuses on understanding the causes and effects of global warming and ocean acidification, both in the modern era and in geological time. I am recognised as an expert in the biotic reactions of marine calcifiers to climate change. My group and I work assess historical and geological records of ocean acidification and its impact on a range of organisms from foraminifers, bryozoans, bivalves to coralline algae.

I have contributed as a lead author of the 2014 IPCC report WGII and most recently as an Expert Group Member of EU SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) of the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) on the topic "Food from the Oceans"


  • 2014–present
    Professor in Palaeobiology, University of Bristol
  • 2006–2015
    Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Bristol


Wolfson Merit Award, Royal Society of the UK