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Daniella Susic

Clinical Academic Obstetrician, UNSW Sydney

Dr Dani Susic is a Clinical Academic in obstetrics at Liverpool Hospital. She is also a Senior Lecturer with an education focus at UNSW Sydney teaching and developing the Women’s Health Curriculum across both the undergraduate and post graduate programs. Dani has undertaken speciality training through the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) and ran the Microbiome Understanding in Maternity Study (MUMS) trying to establish if there are causal links or associations between the action and composition of microbiome during pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes as the subject of her PhD. She practices with the principles of shared decision making and trauma informed care for all the women she cares for, and instills this in the students and junior doctors that she mentors.


  • –present
    Clinical Research Fellow and PhD candidate, UNSW Sydney