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Professor of Immunology and Director, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham

David Wraith is an immunologist whose laboratory focuses on the use of fragments of antigens (peptides) for immunotherapy of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Antigen-specific immunotherapy aims to suppress the immunological drivers of these diseases but to do this specifically so that this only affects the cells causing disease and leaves the rest of the immune system fully capable of controlling cancers and infectious diseases. Our aim is to understand the mechanism by which this form of antigen-specific immunotherapy works and to demonstrate its broad application for the treatment of allergic and autoimmune diseases.


  • 2016–present
    Professor of Immunology and Institute Director, Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Birmingham
  • 1995–2016
    Professor of Experimental Pathology, University of Bristol
  • 1989–1995
    Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow, University of Cambridge
  • 1986–1989
    MRC travelling fellow, Stanford University
  • 1981–1986
    MRC staff scientist, NIMR, Mill Hill