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Assistant Professor, Durham University

David’s research in bioethics and biotechnological law has largely focussed on human enhancement technologies and the ways in which they are likely to affect both society and what it means to be human. During David’s PhD studies, he acted as PI on several projects funded by the Wellcome Trust and Institute of Medical Ethics, whilst also acting as the research manager of a Wellcome Strategic Award led by Professor John Harris.

Since receiving his doctorate in 2017 he has secured a further two Wellcome Trust grants, as Co-Investigator and most recently as Principal Investigator on the Regulating the Tyrell Corporation: Company Law and the Emergence of Novel Beings project (WT208871/Z/17/Z), which investigated questions of rights and moral value in new forms of sapient life developed by private concerns.


  • 2016–present
    Research Excellence Academy Fellow, Newcastle University