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Deep Bandivadekar

Deep is a PhD student at the Aerospace Centre of Excellence and does research work as part of the Intelligent Computational Engineering Laboratory (ICE-Lab). Hailing from a coastal town in rural India, inspired by the progress of science and space technology over the years, he moved to UK for PhD after working in India as a lecturer for a few years. As part of his PhD, he is working on one crucial aspect of space access: atmospheric /planetary re-entry. Through his PhD research he hopes to find some exciting answers to safer and cheaper atmospheric re-entry by using reusable technology - specifically, using the novel idea of Transpiration Cooling. He uses CFD simulations and numerical analysis of the data using design optimisation techniques.

His research interests are Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Thermodynamics, Hypersonics, Artificial Intelligence, Design Optimisation, Global and Multi-objective Optimisation. However, he also likes exploring different areas of technology and write about them. He is a science writer and currently works as the Editor-in-Chief for the student run science communication magazine theGIST (

In his spare time, he also loves to travel to "sciency places" and blog about them (


  • –present
    PhD student at the Aerospace Centre of Excellence, University of Strathclyde