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Dr Valentine Gavard

Dr Valentine Gavard-Suaire's research interests include critical perspectives on modern slavery and human trafficking studies as well as feminist geopolitics.

Her PhD research looked at the development of protection initiatives in the context of irregular migration between Vietnam and the UK. She examined situated yet interdependent approaches to Vietnamese migrants' circumstances and related impacts on their mobility and rights.

Her 2018-2019 fieldwork in Vietnam was supported by the Sarah Howie Prize, the Paul Broome Prize & RHUL.

Geographies of hiding: power, vulnerability and agency in secret spaces, Gavard-Suaire, V., 20 Oct 2020, In : Geography Compass. 14, 10, p. 1-10 , e12532.

‘Don’t become a victim’, stay where you are: Trafficking prevention and the promotion of immobility in Vietnam, Gavard-Suaire, V., 19 Oct 2020, In : Mobilities (Submitted).


  • –present
    Postgraduate researcher, Royal Holloway