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Principal Academic in Computing, Bournemouth University

I am a member of the department of computing and informatics within the Faculty of Science and Technology at Bournemouth University. I have over 15 years industry experience and have led successful projects in the areas of cybersecurity, data analytics, data mining, and web technologies funded by Innovate UK and Great Western Research.

The results of my work have been published and down-streamed into other projects and commercial products. I have organised and delivered a number of academic and industry workshops in the areas of data analytics, knowledge management, and cyber-security. I've also reviewed various journals and published in the areas of data analytics, data mining, cognitive computation, and neuro-computing.

I received my M. Sc. degree in Intelligent Systems from the University College London in 2003, and my M. Phil. and PhD. degrees in Computational Intelligence in 2009 and 2013 respectively from Bournemouth University, Bournemouth UK.


  • –present
    Principal Academic in Computing, Bournemouth University