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Obesity Theorist and Computational Physiologist, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dr. Edward Archer is an obesity theorist and computational physiologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has a broad interdisciplinary background with graduate degrees and training in physiology, psychology, nutrition, exercise science, and epidemiology. His research spans the continuum of human bio-energetics, from the physiology of nutrient energy partitioning to national nutrition surveillance and chronic, non-communicable disease epidemiology. He has authored numerous scientific publications that have been profiled in the New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, Huffington Post, and many other media outlets.

In January of 2015, Dr. Archer authored the first comprehensive and definitive theory of the non-genetic inheritance and evolution of obesity and type II diabetes. While his theories have received rave reviews from obesity specialists around the world, the controversial nature of his ideas has led to strong criticism from the nutrition research community.


  • –present
    Post-Doctoral Fellow, The University of Alabama at Birmingham