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DECRA & UTS Chancellor's Research Fellow, Climate Change Cluster, Future Reefs Research Programe, University of Technology Sydney

I am a coral biologist and marine bio-geochemist with research interests in the role marginal reef environments (e.g. mangrove habitats) can play in understanding the impact of future climate change on coral reefs.

I am an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Award Recipient (DECRA) & Chancellors Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the Climate Change Cluster.

I am a National Geographic Explorer and 2019 Rolex Awards for Enterprise Associate Laureate. I am also a United Nations Young Leader for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This honorary position undertaken in September 2018 will last for two years and will see me work with the UN to advocate for #Youth2030 and the SDGs.


  • –present
    Post-doctorate Research Associate, Climate Change Cluster, Future Reefs Research Programe, University of Technology Sydney


  • 2015 
    University of Essex, Ph.D.