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Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Architecture, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Emma Rowden joined the UTS School of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning in 2013 as a Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow.

Prior to this appointment, Emma received her PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2011 for her thesis entitled "Remote Participation and the Distributed Court". Her doctoral research was attached to the Australian Research Council Linkage Project "Gateways to Justice: improving video-mediated communications for justice participants". The recommendations made in Emma’s thesis have formed the basis for extensive and practical evidence-based design guidelines to improve remote participation in court proceedings, which can be found at

Between 2011 - 2012 Emma worked at the Justice Research Group (University of Western Sydney), contributing to several other ARC Linkage projects, including "Fortress or Sanctuary? Enhancing court safety by managing people, places and processes", and the recently awarded "Just Spaces: security without prejudice in the wireless courtroom", for which she is a Chief Investigator.

With a background in media, performance and architecture, Emma’s research is strongly interdisciplinary. These perspectives inform her research into the role of the built environment in shaping experiences of inclusion, safety and comfort, as well as perceptions of fairness and respect in public institutions. Emma’s current fellowship research project, "Contested Visions of Justice: designing the space of law in Australia", aims to put Australian spaces of adjudication on trial. In charting, for the first time, a spatial history of dispute resolution in Australia this project will fill important gaps in the disciplines of architecture, history and law.