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PhD candidate at the Centre of Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter

I am a conservation ecologist with a fascination for the incredibly intricate forest ecosystems in the tropics that roots my desire to contribute towards creating a more harmonious relationship between people and nature. However, tackling the global food insecurity, climate and biodiversity crises is extraordinarily complex, as are the tropical landscapes which provide many of the ecosystem services so urgently needed. With my PhD research on the role of plant-pollinator networks in guiding restoration ecosystem functions and services, I strive to contribute towards tackling these global crises and guiding more holistic land management strategies that consider both the needs of people and nature. The goal of my current research is to identify necessary steps to guide development of more holistic restoration strategies that consider plant-pollinator networks in a priority habitat for ecological restoration: the peat-swamp forests of Central Kalimantan, Borneo.

Prior to my PhD at the University of Exeter, I completed both my BSc and MSc degrees in Environmental Science at ETH in Switzerland, with a focus on tropical forest restoration for both my degree projects. I lived in Southeast Asia for 1.5 years where I conducted research on tree seed systems for forest restoration in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and India.


  • 2021–present
    PhD candidate at the Centre of Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter


  • 2021 
    ETH Zurich, MSc in Environmental Science, Major in Forest and Landscape Management
  • 2018 
    ETH Zurich, BSc in Environmental Science