2013 – Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology (ongoing)
(Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology)
Topic: Characterization of Swine Influenza Viruses and Factors Associated with Zoonotic Swine Influenza Infection in Kiambu County, Kenya
2011- 2012 Fellowship on Emerging Pandemic Threats and One Health (African Field Epidemiology Network)
2008-2010 Masters of Science (Applied Epidemiology) (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology)
1998-2004 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
(Moi University)
Washington State University–Kenya Research Program Dec 2016 --Present
• Participate in designing of public health research studies as guided by Principal Investigators (PIs) in collaboration with senior scientists from collaborating agencies.
• Work with the PIs of the research programs to establish and manage the study sites
• Work with the CDC-Kenya scientists to review and manage the demographic surveillance system (DSS) and population-based infectious disease surveillance
(PBIDS) platforms.
• Represent WSU-Kenya Research Program in national and international meetings
• Lead and/or actively participate in writing scientific manuscripts based on the public health studies carried out.
• Participate in writing progress reports and continuation proposals for ongoing
• Work with the Senior WSU scientists in Kenya to write new research proposals
Epidemiologist, World Health Organization, Sierra Leone May 2016 – Dec 2016
Responsibility was to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health and Sanitation,
Sierra Leone, to strengthen surveillance and response for priority diseases, conditions and
events in the context of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) and
enhance emergency preparedness and response capacity in compliance with the
International Health Regulations (IHR 2005)
-Medical Epidemiologist and Head of Zoonotic Disease Unit, Ministry of Health, Kenya
May 2012 – April 2016
Responsibilities were to coordinate joint human and animal health activities for zoonotic
disease control, Implementation of the IDSR and Coordinator of IHR, 2005 implementation
and the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) at the Ministry of Health
-Research Officer, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) June 2013 – April 2016
• Design epidemiological studies on priority zoonotic diseases under guidance of the
principal investigator
• Write grant applications for epidemiologic studies
• Implementation and supervision of research studies
Medical Epidemiologist and Head of Zoonotic Disease Unit, Ministry of Health, Kenya
May 2012 – April 2016
Responsibilities were to coordinate joint human and animal health activities for zoonotic
disease control, Implementation of the IDSR and Coordinator of IHR, 2005 implementation
and the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) at the Ministry of Health
Part-Time Lecturer, Moi University School of Public Health, August 2012- Present
• Teaching through lecture and tutorials for MPH students
• Supervision of MSc. Applied Epidemiology residents
• Mentored residents in the Ministry-run applied field epidemiology training program
on surveillance, outbreak investigations and data analysis
• Munyua P, Bitek A, Osoro E, Pieracci EG, Muema J, Mwatondo A, et al. (2016)
Prioritization of Zoonotic Diseases in Kenya, 2015. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0161576.
• Strong Association between Human and Animal Brucella Seropositivity in a Linked
Study in Kenya, 2012–2013. Eric M. Osoro, Austine O. Bitek, Eric Ogola, Ian Njeru,
Salome Wanyoike, Murithi R. Mbabu. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015 Aug 5; 93(2): 224–
• Mark Obonyo , James M. Akoko, Austine B. Orinde, Eric Osoro, Waqo Gufu Boru,
Ian Njeru, and Eric M. Fèvre. Suspected rabies in humans and animals, Laikipia
County, Kenya. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Mar.
• Ndhine Edwardina Otieno, Slotved Hans-Christian, Osoro Eric Mogaka, Olsen Katja
N., Rugutt Moses, Wanjohi Cathryn W., Mwanda Walter, Kinyagia Benson Mburu,
Steenhard Nina R., and Hansen John-Erik Stig. A Biosecurity Survey in Kenya,
November 2014 to February 2015. Health Security. August 2016, Vol. 14, No. 4:
• Murithi Mbabu, Ian Njeru, Sarah File, Eric Osoro, Stella Kiambi, Austine Bitek, Peter
Ithondeka, Salome Kairu-Wanyoike, Shanaaz Sharif, Eric Gogstad, Francis Gakuya,
Kaitlin Sandhaus,Peninah Munyua, Joel Montgomery, Robert Breiman, Carol Rubin,
Kariuki Njenga. Establishing a One Health office in Kenya. The Pan African Medical
Journal. 2014;19:106
• Osoro EM, Munyua P, Muthoka P, Gikundi S, Njenga MK, Lifumo S, et al.
Hospitalized patients with pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Kenya. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011
Sep. []