Erin has over twenty years of experience in water law and policy, in the private and public sectors. She is recognized internationally for her research into the groundbreaking new field of legal rights for rivers, and the challenges and opportunities these new rights create for protecting the multiple social, cultural and natural values of rivers. Her work is informed by comparative analysis across Australia, New Zealand, the USA, India, Colombia, and Chile. Erin’s latest book, Legal Rights for Rivers: Competition, Collaboration, and Water Governance, is available now from Routledge. Erin has recently completed a consultancy for The World Bank, on water markets and their role in water security and sustainable development. In 2018, Erin was appointed to the inaugural Birrarung Council, the voice of the Yarra River. In 2023, Erin commenced an ARC-funded research project in partnership with Traditional Owners in Victoria, to determine the potential of Treaty processes to address legitimacy and sustainability problems in settler state water law.