Dr Fabio Zambetta is a Professor with the School of Computing Technologies at RMIT University in Melbourne (Australia).
He is the Coordinator for the Games & Graphics Programming degree and he teaches game development, advanced games programming and AI in (computer) games. He has been instrumental in setting up the core studio-based units in the Games & Graphics Programming as well as the Games Design degrees.
As such, he has accumulated years of experience in delivering studio-based introductory classes in a multi-disciplinary environment. At the same time, he has taught specialist units in games AI, machine learning, computer graphics and virtual/augmented reality.
His research interests focus on AI in computer games, Procedural Content Generation, Interactive Narrative and the use of Machine Learning in those. He also has a keen interest in Computer Graphics, Virtual/Augmented Reality and Natural User Interfaces.
Recent work has entailed collaboration with industry partners such as Village Roadshow's Digital and Theme Park divisions, ACER (Australian Council for Education Research) and the ANZ.
He is a member of the Agents Group, the ECML group and the leader of the AI & Game Design area within the RMIT Centre for Games Design Research.
He is still a keen programmer, preferring to work in C/C++, C# and Python and occasionally diving into Matlab & Octave for prototyping mathematical models.
He is also an experienced user game engines such as Unity 3D and Unreal Engine to name a few. In the past, he has also used and taught Unreal Engine 2.X & 3.X, Neverwinter Night's Aurora & Electron engines and Quake/Doom engines programming.
He has also a keen interest in several .NET technologies including XAML, WPF, UWP and the different .NET ecosystems.