Graduated in Biology, M.Sc in Bioinformatics and Doctor in Biology from the University of Valencia.
My line of research has evolved from bacterial molecular pathogenesis, from a purely experimental point of view, taking advantage of the
evolution of sequencing techniques and especially the emergence of Next Generation Sequence (NGS), to bacterial evolution and finally to
microbial Bioinformatics both at the metagenomic and metatranscriptomic level.
My move to the company Biotechvana ( allowed me not only to train in a very broad variety of bioinformatics
techniques in projects of the most varied nature, but it also allowed me to start with issues of data mining and data integration. Finally it
allowed me to lead a coordinated project, whose main IP was Professor Giorgios Dedoussis, Mari Curie H2020. In this project, "Mastiha
treatment for healthy obese with NAFLD diagnosis (MAST4HEALTH)", an integration of clinical,biochemical, Omic and imaging data (NMR) was carried out. Likewise, during my time in the company I was able to continue training as a
docent, teaching numerous training courses in different Omic techniques and as a tutor of in -company practices for students of the M.Sc
in Bioinformatics of the University of Valencia. My next business stage was in IMEGEN (Institute of genomic medicine,, in
this institution my work was the development of tools for the analysis of genomic variants (variant calling) and CNV that had special
relevance in the development or that served as possible markers of tumors or rare diseases. Likewise, during my time in the company, I
was responsible for an European project in which a new data compression format was sought for omic data (MPEG-G Enabled Genome
Analysis Pipeline (MEGAPIPELINE)).
During this period, I have done numerous predoctoral and postdoctoral stays in Tainan (Taiwan), Bath and London (UK), Novi Sad
(Serbia) and Athens (Greece), that have allowed me to expand my knowledge in different aspects of science, highlighting the ability to
organize work teams in the most efficient way.
Currently as a lecturer at San Jorge University I'm teaching Biostatistics and Health Research in the Degree in Physiotherapy and of the
subjects of the Degree in Bioinformatics Autonomous learning and evolution, Omic Computational Analysis, Structural Bioinformatics,
Population Geneticsand coordinator of Final degree project;In Biomedicini I'm teaching Immnunology . Im directly involved with projects
financed by companies both related to SARS-COV-2 and historical memory issues.
Finally, I currently maintain a close collaboration with the Bioinformatics unit of the Principe Felipe research centre in projects on
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, lichen and Melanoma.
My work in the different institutions has allowed me to publish 27 indexed publications 23 jobs at national and international conferences
mainly on microbiological issues both from an experimental and bioinformatic point of view. In the last research stage I published works
both at the analytical bioinformatics level and the development of new applications. I participated in 7 R & D & I research projects financed
in competitive calls from administrations, having directed one of them.