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Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Vaccinology, University of Southern Denmark

I am a Medical Doctor (graduated in 2014) and have worked with research in the BCG vaccine since 2012, where I first travelled to Guinea-Bissau in West Africa to help conduct a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effects of providing BCG to newborns.

In 2015, I started a PhD project where I once again travelled to Guinea-Bissau to stay for 3 years and conduct a randomized controlled trial to evaluate whether there are differences between 3 different strains of BCG that are produced in different countries. My fields of expertise are thus infectious medicine, epidemiology and the conduct of large-scale RCTs, and I am now working with trials testing BCG against COVID-19, trials evaluating BCG strains, and with epidemiological projects assessing the importance of parental BCG priming on offspring outcomes.