Prior to commencing his academic career, Geoff taught in three high schools in northern NSW. He completed his PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Alberta and then held a variety of positions at Macquarie University and UTS before moving to the University of Canberra in early 2011.
Geoff has had a number of leadership and management roles in universities including Director of Teacher Education, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. In these roles, Geoff has been actively involved in the NSW Teacher Education Council, serving a term as president, the Australian Council of Deans of Education, currently as a member of the national executive, and most recently as a member of the interim board of the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.
Geoff has researched and published on matters concerning the effective leadership and management of schools with recent projects involving student welfare and discipline in NSW Government and non-government schools, Indigenous education initiatives and curriculum policy. Geoff's doctoral research gained recognition as the first non-Canadian recipient of Thomas B. Greenfield Award for Outstanding Thesis in Educational Administration. The quality of his teaching has been recognised by teaching awards from the University of Alberta and Macquarie University.