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Grant Wardell-Johnson

Adjunct Associate Professor, Molecular and Life Sciences and ARC Centre for Mine Site Restoration., Curtin University

Grant is Associate Professor of Biodiversity and Climate Change in the School of Molecular and Life Sciences at Curtin University, and Director of the Curtin Institute for Biodiversity and Climate. Grant received a degree in Forestry (ANU), masters (Oxford) and PhD in Botany (UWA). Grant has wide experience in biogeographical survey and impact assessment and his areas of expertise include Disturbance and Community Ecology, Natural Resource Assessment and Biodiversity Conservation. Grant has published extensively on pattern and scale, and the interactive effects of disturbance. He has a strong research and personal interest in high rainfall Mediterranean regions in general, and south-western Australia in particular.


  • 2008–present
    Associate Professor, Curtin University
  • 2000–2007
    Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland
  • 1998–2000
    Lecturer, Griffith University