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John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Curtin University

Harry retired as Dean, CBS Research and Development in December 2012 and was appointed as John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor by Curtin University Council in July 2013.

Harry joined Curtin in 1997 as Professor of Economics and was Head of School of the Department of Economics for three years and Acting Head of the School of Economics and Finance in 2000. Previously, he held international appointments including the University of Denver, University of Manitoba, University of British Columbia and Illinois Institute of Technology.

Harry has held many board membership including a three year term to the Australian Research Council College of Experts in 2008. He was President of the Economic Society of Australia (WA Branch) from 2005 through 2008, a Member of Central Council, Economic Society of Australia and Editor of the Economic Record from 2002-2006. He is on the Editorial Board for the Economic Record, the International Journal of the Economics of Business and the Forum for Social Economics. He is a Fellow of the Academy for the Social Sciences in Australia and an Honorary Fellow of the Economic Society of Australia.

Harry is widely published and a regular speaker at national and international conferences and holds many honorary research roles. His research interests are in competition and its influence on innovation, productivity and pricing, especially from an evolutionary perspective.


  • –present
    John Curtin Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Curtin University


Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia