I am Assistant Professor in Black British Literature at Durham University. My research interests span the fields of black British and black Atlantic literatures and cultures, cosmopolitanism, new materialism, autotheory, and dub poetry. I hold degrees from the University of Alberta (BA, Political Science and English), the University of British Columbia (MA, English), and the University of Leeds (PhD, English).
Currently, I am working on three book-length projects. The first – near completion – is a monograph on the cosmopolitics of twenty-first-century black British literature and visual culture. The book excavates legacies of disavowed cosmopolitan thinking entangled within the creative and theoretical history of black British studies, more generally. The second project is based on my continuing archival work surrounding the arrival of the HMT Empire Windrush in 1948. This research was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant (2021-2023) and traces a global history of the ship through new materialist approaches. Lastly, I am in the early stages of a co-written book on immigration law, notions of documentality and experimental global migration literatures.
I am an Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London, and the Reviews Editor for the postcolonial journal ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature.