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Isabella D Cooper

PhD researcher in Hyperinsulinaemia and Ketogenic Sciences, University of Westminster

Awarded the Biochemistry Society prize for her undergraduate degree, the Student Excellence Award and the Deans List Award for every year of her undergraduate. During level 5, was nominated and won the Individual Teaching Award and the Team Faculty Teaching Award, as a result of helping in the design and teaching of the level 5 Medical Physiology module.

Isabella was supported by her supervisor to conduct her PhD pilot study as her UG final project, where she fund raised, budgeted and supervised 4 other undergraduates within the project.

Now an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, she has delivered lectures as a visiting lecturer and supervised Masters, Erasmus and medical students in their research projects.

Isabella's research work is in investigating the role of metabolic phenotypes, ketosis versus suppression of ketosis, on cellular health, mitochondria and chronic diseases associated with ageing.


  • –present
    PhD Student, University of Westminster


  • 2019 
    University of Westminster, BSc and AFHEA, Biochemistry


Biochemistry BSc (Hons)