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Senior Academic in Sustainable Tourism Development, Bournemouth University

Jaeyeon Choe's research areas revolve around wellness/spiritual/religious tourism, sustainable community development and migration. With a passion of knowledge co-production, she actively works with the ASEAN academic communities. She successfully co-organised and co-chaired the Nexus of Migration and Tourism: Creating Social Sustainability Symposium, with Vietnam National University, University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Hanoi, September 2018. She also delivered an invited keynote speech, "Spiritual tourism and its impact on local people and communities: poverty alleviation and sustainable community development" at Sustainable Tourism Development for Southeast Asia Conference in Hanoi, December 2019. She serves as an associate editor for the e-Review Tourism Journal, editorial board for the International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, and fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. She co-founded the Refugee and Migrant Leisure Network with community organisations and local councils based in Southern England.

She obtained her PhD in Tourism Management with a minor in Cultural Anthropology from Pennsylvania State University. As an international educator, she has been invited as a visiting scholar to Canada, Indonesia, Finland, Germany, Thailand and Vietnam.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer , Bournemouth University


  • 2012 
    The Pennsylvania State University, PhD

Professional Memberships

  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society