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Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Monash University

James Roffee is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the Monash School of Social Sciences. James’s research focuses on improving responses to victims of crime, sexual offences and the use and impact of the criminal law on victims and marginalized groups.

An interdisciplinary researcher, James seeks to both appraise and inform policy and practice. Key areas of focus within his current research agenda concern victims of crime and marginalised groups (familial victims, LGBTIQ victims, sexual offenders), sexual offences, sentencing and punishment, and crime and accountability/political decision-making.

Prior to joining Monash in 2011, James was the Anniversary Scholar in Law at the University of Leicester. After graduating from King's College London (First class with Honours), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (summa cum laude) and Lincoln College, University of Oxford, James held a part-time lectureship at De Montfort University.

Before moving to Australia, James was Chair of the Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors Trust, an advisor to the Equality and Diversity panel advising the Independent Monitoring Board (an independent body with oversight of Her Majesty's Prison Service in England and Wales) and worked on legal responses to familial sexual activity in England & Wales, and Scotland.


  • 2011–present
    Senior lecturer, Monash University
  • 2010–2011
    Member, National Equality and Diversity Working Group, Independent Monitoring Board for Her Majesty's Prison Service
  • 2010–2011
    Chair, Incest and Sexual Abuse Survivors Trust


    Leicester, PhD
    Oxford, BCL
    King's College, LLB Hons

Research Areas

  • Law (1801)
  • Criminology (1602)
  • Culture, Gender, Sexuality (200205)
  • Crime Policy (160504)