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Studio instructor, Urban Design, The University of Melbourne

Dr James Whitten is a Studio Instructor at the University of Melbourne and Monash University where he teaches urban and regional planning and urban design. He is a qualified architect and urban designer who recently completed a PhD in transport planning and regional policy. James has over 20 years of experience in academia and practice both in Australia and abroad. His teaching and research explore the intersection of infrastructure planning, urban governance and regional politics.


  • 2021–present
    Teaching Associate, Monash University
  • 2016–present
    Sessional Instructor, The University of Melbourne
  • 2016–2023
    PhD Candidate, The University of Melbourne
  • 2013–2015
    Urban Designer, Sasaki Associates
  • 2011–2013
    Research Associate, Harvard University


  • 2024 
    The University of Melbourne, Doctor of Philosopy
  • 2013 
    Harvard University, Master of Architecture in Urban Design
  • 2002 
    The University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Architecture
  • 1998 
    The University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Planning and Design