Janet Bray is an Associate Professor within the Pre-hospital, Emergency and Trauma Unit in the School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine. She is currently the recipient of a Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellowship, Chair of the Australian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (Aus-ROC) Executive Committee and Chair of the Australian and New Zealand out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Epistry. Janet holds honorary appointments with The Alfred Hospital and the Prehospital, Resuscitation and Emergency Care Research Unit (PRECRU) at Curtin University. She is currently Chair of the Basic Life Support Taskforce for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and Council Member on the Australian Resuscitation Council. Janet is also an Associate Editor for the international journal ‘Resuscitation Plus’, Editorial Board member for the leading emergency medicine journal ‘Resuscitation’ and a Fellow of the American Heart Association.
Her background in cardiac and intensive care nursing has driven her research career to improve outcomes for critically ill cardiovascular patients -particularly those experiencing cardiac arrest, heart attack and stroke. Her research program aims to improve the public’s recognition and response to acute cardiovascular symptoms and improve the evidence-base for acute cardiovascular care. Her published research includes multicentre randomised control trials (AVOID, RINSE).
Janet has over 160 peer-reviewed publications and more than $17 million in competitive funding, including CIA of the Heart Matters Trial. Janet has received numerous awards for her research (American Heart Association Young Investigator Prize, Bethlehem Griffiths Foundation Young Researcher of the Year, Heart Foundation Research Excellence Award) and is a Fellow of the American Heart Association.